Montana Administrative Register Notice 10-53-257 No. 22   11/25/2011    
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                                                  BEFORE THE BOARD OF PUBLIC EDUCATION

                                                                   OF THE STATE OF MONTANA


In the matter of the adoption of New Rules I through XVII pertaining to content standards for mathematics and repeal of ARM 10.54.4010 through 10.54.4013, 10.54.4020 through 10.54.4023, 10.54.4030 through 10.54.4033, 10.54.4040 through 10.54.4043, and 10.54.4101 through 10.54.4112 relating to mathematics content standards and performance descriptors












TO:  All Concerned Persons


1.  On September 22, 2011, the Board of Public Education published MAR Notice No. 10-53-257 pertaining to the public hearing on the proposed adoption and repeal of the above-stated rules at page 1931 of the 2011 Montana Administrative Register, Issue Number 18.


2.  The board has adopted the above-stated rules as proposed:


New Rule I                  ARM 10.53.501

New Rule II                 ARM 10.53.502

New Rule III                ARM 10.53.503

New Rule IV               ARM 10.53.504

New Rule V                ARM 10.53.505

New Rule VI               ARM 10.53.506

New Rule VII              ARM 10.53.507

New Rule VIII              ARM 10.53.508

New Rule IX               ARM 10.53.509

New Rule X                ARM 10.53.510

New Rule XI               ARM 10.53.511

New Rule XII              ARM 10.53.512

New Rule XIII              ARM 10.53.513

New Rule XIV            ARM 10.53.514

New Rule XV             ARM 10.53.515

New Rule XVI            ARM 10.53.516

New Rule XVII            ARM 10.53.517


3.  The board has repealed the above-stated rules as proposed.


4.  The board has thoroughly considered the comments and testimony received.  A summary of the comments received and the board's responses are as follows:


COMMENT #1:  Mr. Robert Bayuk, representing the Montana Indian Education Association (MIEA), read and presented a letter thanking the board for its support, and the inclusion of Montana Indian Education for All into the content standards for mathematics.  The letter also thanks the Office of Public Instruction for facilitating the process to ensure inclusion of Montana Indian Education for All into the mathematics standards.


RESPONSE:  The board thanks Mr. Bayuk for his comments on behalf of Montana Indian Education for All, and concurs.


COMMENT #2:  Mr. Bruce Swanson commented on his concern that the "strands and spiral" framework is embedded into the proposed mathematics standards.  The use of the "strands and spiral" framework, he believes, reduces the cognitive development of students.


RESPONSE:  The board thanks Mr. Swanson for his comment; however, respectfully, does not concur.  The board recognizes that the proposed standards are college and career ready and more rigorous than the current mathematics content standards.  The new common core standards focus on grade-by-grade learning expectations, not a spiraling framework. 


The board recognizes the efforts of the Council of Chief State School Officers and National Governors Association for providing the foundational research and structure of the Common Core State Standards.  In addition, the board recognizes the facilitation by the Office of Public Instruction to engage a broad review of the common core standards by Montana educators.



/s/ Peter Donovan                                         /s/ Patty Myers

Peter Donovan                                              Patty Myers, Chair

Rule Reviewer                                               Board of Public Education


Certified to the Secretary of State November 14, 2011.



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